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> Tek 468 service manuals 2 volume set plus -please read-
Tek 468 service manuals 2 volume set plus -please read-
Tektronix 400-Series Service and Operating Manuals in PDF on CD
For page samples from this specific set (4xxSet), click HERE.
These PDF manuals cover the Tektronix 468, 475, 475A and 485 Oscilloscopes. Included are the full service manual (both volumes; volume one does contain a good operations section) for the 468, plus the 475A service manual, plus the 475 Service Manual for serial numbers B0250000 and higher, and the Tek 485 Service Manual, which also contains a good operations section. Separate Operating Manuals are included for the 475, one including DM44 Operations and the other including DM40/43 Operations. They are all scanned from the original manufacturer's paper manuals.
Here are specific notes as to readability. This applies only to this 4xx set, and not to any other PDF manual(s) we offer:
468_vol1.pdf - Schematic values sometimes difficult to read, otherwise fair.
468_vol2.pdf - Schematic values sometimes difficult to read, otherwise fair.
475a.pdf - Tek 475A Service Manual with Operations - readable throughout.
tek475op.pdf - Tek 475 Operating Manual with DM44 Operations included - readable throughout.
tek475sm.pdf - Tek 475 Service Man'l w/Ops Sections, s/n B0250000 and up - readable throughout.
tek485.pdf - Tek 485 Service manual with Operations - pretty good! Foldouts are 11x17", though.
465475op.pdf - Tek 475 Operating Manual with DM40/DM43 Operations included - readable, fair at best. Also has 465 op manual in same document.