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Epitaxx epm 606-250 jds uniphase photodiode detector

I bought several of these new (in sealed bubble pack as shown) precision Epitaxx photodiode detectors from a scientific laboratory supplier. It is hard to see this device in the image. On the left part of the image is a magnified photo of the body of one. Connected to the top end is several feet of fine, almost invisible fiber optic cable. In the package view, the body of the device, about 3/4" long and about 3/16" diameter shaped like a bullet (almost looks like a 22 long) is barely visible in the lower left hand of the package (view mostly blocked by the label). The fiber optic cable is wrapped up several layers thick in the rest of the package. R= 0.92 A/W (@ 1625 nm). R= 0.88 A/W (@ 1550 nm). Id = 0.059 nA (@ 5.0V). Rb = -52 db (@ 1550nm). Cd=0.600pf (@ 5.0V)
NOTE: Later availability not guaranteed. LIMITED QUANTITY.
Seller listing codes: LD093, LR000-S00, LS000-R00, MM000, CC000.

Epitaxx epm 606-250 jds uniphase photodiode detector